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Autistic Burnout resources for young people, families & educational settings to help develop understanding and support healing.
Signposting & Ideas
- Adopt a low demand approach as whole family 💗
- Encourage children to rest & re-energise in ways that work for them 💗
- Increase time meeting sensory needs 💗
- Lots of time and compassion 💗
Articles and Resources about Autistic Burnout
Thinking Person’s Guide to Autism Autistic Burnout Article, written by Helen Edgar of Autistic Realms.
Autism Understood website by Spectrum Gaming has been written by and for young autistic people & is amazing! Helen Edgar of Autistic Realms contributed to the Autistic Burnout section.
Autistic Girls Network
Emergent Divergence
The Autistic Advocate (Kieran Rose)
Autism Understood
Literally Ausome
National Autistic Society
Viv Dawes Autistic Advocate has regular family workshops to support parent/carers specifically experiencing burnout
Book: Supporting Children and Young People Through Autistic Burnout (A Workbook For Parents Of Autistic Children)
PAPYRUS Prevention of Young Suicide – Valuable Autistic Burnout resource:
Reframing Autism – Autistic Burnout Self-Care Strategies
Embrace Autism – Autistic Burnout Info
Dr Naomi Fisher – Webinars and info about low demand approach & information about supporting children through autistic burnout:
Aucademy – Jodie Smitten and Chloe Farahar – Autistic Burnout
Neurodivergent Insights – Autistic Burnout vs Depression
Bridging the NeuroDivide – Tigger Pritchard
Bridging Neurodivide (
Autistic Parents UK – webinars/ books and parent/carer support :
The Autistic Advocate (Kieran Rose) SENtalk
Kristy Forbes – Autism & ND Support (Autistic Burnout Podcast)
Purple Ella (Autistic Burnout YouTube)
Dulwich Centre
Thinking Person’s Guide to Autism
💗 If you or your young person needs support or is in crisis please seek professional support. Remember to look after your own mental health too 💗
Crisis Support
Papyrus – prevention of young suicide
Supporting Autistic Adult’s Mental Health:
Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) and Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) are harmful strategies that contribute towards trauma and mental health difficulties.
There is growing research and evidence around the damaging effects ABA and PBS cause people.
I frequently get asked for information about this so I have collated a free downloadable PDF signposting document if you’d like to find out more.
I am doing a lot of work with Stimpunks to raise awareness about the harm caused by behaviourist approaches and why we need neuro-affirming pracctice.
Please check out our anti-behaviourism resources and discover alternative ways to behaviourism. We have collated a vast quantity of academic and community sourced writing and evidence and created WHY SHEETS to help people self advocate for their needs in schools and other settings. These resources have been endorsed and by our growing list of signatories.
Our why sheets concisely explain why some education and parenting practices such as behaviourist approaches can cause harm but there are neuro-affirming alternative ways!
Positive Greetings at the Door
Queer and Neurodivergent Liberation are Entwined
Sign a Why Sheet
If you think this is valuable, please add your signature as parent / carer or professional to the Stimpunks Why Sheets to help endorse these documents and give even more weighting to them.
To be a signatory on a why sheet, visit the “Sign Why Sheet” form.
Please visit my shop for ebooks and other resources:
Autistic Burnout: A Family Guide
Embracing Monotropism and Supporting Young People to Prevent Autistic Burnout
If you know of further signposting for children and young people/families / education please let me know.
I will keep adding to this free community resource.